Pattern Making

We have CAD system as well as traditional (manual) pattern making facilities. We have experienced pattern makers having heritage of pattern making from generations along with latest technicians/designers works on high-tech pattern making/grading system.


Here we have a special team of fully skilled tailors and masters to produce samples as per buyer’s comments and requirement as well as seasonal collection of samples.

Leather Matching , Drawing & Cutting

After completing the pattern making, we handover the patterns and size breakup to the leather cutting department where the cutting process starts as per below stages:
1. Leather Matching to make sure the final garment should look like from one skin only.
2. Pattern drawing on leather to avoid defects and maximum utilization of skin.
3. Leather cutting.


We have stitching in chain system to get best quality product with the uniformity within whole production. We are teamed up with good number of leather specialist tailors and masters.


Right after the stitching and inline/midline inspection, every un-finished garment sent to our finishing department where our team cleans, finishes and irons the each and every garment before presenting to final inspection team or the packing department.

Final Inspection

We conduct our own final inspection as well as accept third party final inspections and if we find any inconsistency then we re-scan by our own.


This is second last process of almost every manufacturing before dispatch. After final control, every garment sent to the packing department for carton/GOH packing as per buyer’s specific requirement. Where our well qualified packing team who are capable enough to understand the buyer’s advance packing assortment and packing notes.